1. 有意报名的同学请仔细查阅相关项目详细介绍,各项目申报截止时间不同,须按各项目申请要求报名,具体教学安排将在开课前一周公布。
2. 需要获得相关课程学分的同学,应在选课开放时间段内进行选课。
3. 如参加项目时间安排在暑假期间(7月4日-8月7日)的,校内学生需要提前做好留校安排报备,与家长做好沟通,将留校情况按学校有关规定及时上报所在学院、学生处。
4. 国际学生报名方式:填写附件表格,发送至对应项目主题的联系老师邮箱。
5. 未尽事宜可向各项目联系老师咨询。
Application Form for International Students_SEU Summer School 2022.xlsx
Southeast University (SEU) International Summer School will be held from July to September 2022, so as to promote the construction of double first-class university and create an international education and teaching atmosphere on campus. During this summer school, SEU faculty will collaborate with prominent professors and enterprise experts at home and abroad to carry out English-taught courses for different majors. The courses are designed to offer SEU undergraduates an opportunity to immerse themselves in international theory and practice and to obtain relevant course credits. Meanwhile, SEU international students, excellent students of domestic and foreign universities are welcome to attend these courses.
1. Introduction
This international summer school will be organized by School of Architecture, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, School of Mathematics, School of Automation, School of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Biological Science & Medical Engineering, School of Economics and Management, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Foreign Languages, School of Instrument Science and Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Chien-Shiung WU College (School of Future Technology), including 16 themes and 54 English-taught online/offline courses and a series of online lectures. The specific courses are as follows:
(Click on the name of each theme to view the detailed description of the project)
2. Note
(1)Please pay attention to the details of the programs. Application deadline for each program is different. Please follow the application requirements for each program, specific course descriptions and schedules will be announced one week before the course starts.
(2)Students who are willing to earn credits should enroll in the courses during the announced add period.
(3)If your designated programs are scheduled during the summer break (from July 4 to August 7, 2022), SEU students need to arrange in advance for on-campus housing, communicate with families, and report your on-campus status to school and Office of Student Affairs in time according to relevant regulations.
(4)Application procedure for international students: please fill in the attached form below and send it to the coordinator.
(5)Please contact corresponding coordinators with questions or concerns.
Application Form for International Students_SEU Summer School 2022.xlsx
Office of AcademicAffairs, Southeast University
May 17, 2022